The Untold Story of the Late Paul Walkers Ex-Girlfriend |

April 2024 · 9 minute read

Rebecca Soteros is a name that many fans of the late Paul Walker may not be familiar with.

She is the ex-girlfriend of the Fast and Furious star and the mother of his only child, Meadow Rain Walker.

But who is Rebecca Soteros and what happened between her and Paul Walker?

Here is everything you need to know about the mysterious woman who was once in love with one of Hollywood’s most beloved actors.

What happened between Paul Walker and Rebecca Soteros?

Rebecca Soteros and Paul Walker met in California in 1998 when he was still an aspiring actor.

They had a brief relationship that resulted in Rebecca getting pregnant with their daughter, Meadow.

However, Paul was not ready to settle down and marry Rebecca, who wanted a stable family life.

He reportedly said that he was too young and immature to be a husband and a father

Rebecca decided to move to Hawaii with Meadow, where she worked as a school teacher.

Paul remained in contact with them and visited them occasionally.

He also paid for their expenses and supported them financially

In 2011, Meadow moved back to California to live with Paul, who had become a successful and famous actor by then.

He had also dated several other women, such as Jasmine Pilchard-Gosnell, Jessica Alba, and Genesis Rodriguez

Rebecca also returned to California to be closer to her daughter and Paul.

They maintained a friendly relationship and co-parented Meadow together.

However, they never rekindled their romance or got married.

Why didn’t Meadow Walker live with her mom?

Meadow Walker chose to live with her dad in 2011 because she wanted to spend more time with him and get to know him better.

She also wanted to pursue a career in modeling and acting, which was easier in Los Angeles than in Hawaii

Another reason why Meadow left her mom was because Rebecca had a drinking problem.

She was arrested twice for DUI, once in 2003 and again in 2013.

She also faced a custody battle with Paul’s mother, Cheryl Walker, who wanted to take care of Meadow after Paul’s death

However, Rebecca managed to overcome her addiction and regain custody of Meadow.

She also reconciled with Cheryl and they both supported Meadow through her grief and legal issues.

Did Paul Walker’s daughter inherit his money?

Yes, Meadow Walker inherited all of Paul Walker’s money after his tragic death in a car crash on November 30, 2013.

He left behind an estate worth $25 million, which included his earnings from his movies, endorsements, and investments.

He also had several properties, cars, and motorcycles

Meadow also received $10.1 million from the estate of Roger Rodas, who was driving the Porsche Carrera GT that crashed and killed Paul.

Rodas’ widow, Kristine Rodas, sued Porsche for wrongful death, claiming that the car had design defects that caused the accident.

However, the lawsuit was dismissed by a judge in 2016

Meadow used some of her inheritance to start a charity foundation in honor of her father.

The Paul Walker Foundation aims to protect the oceans and wildlife, as well as provide scholarships for students who want to study marine biology.

Meadow is the founder and president of the foundation, which also partners with other organizations such as Pencils of Promise and Everyone’s Invited

Who has custody of Paul Walker’s daughter?

Rebecca Soteros has full custody of Meadow Walker since 2014.

She won the custody battle against Cheryl Walker, who initially filed for guardianship of Meadow after Paul’s death.

Cheryl claimed that Rebecca was unfit to take care of Meadow because of her alcoholism and instability.

However, Rebecca proved that she had completed a rehab program and was sober.

She also agreed to move into a new home that Paul had bought for them before he died

Meadow also expressed her wish to live with her mom rather than her grandmother.

She said that she loved both of them but felt more comfortable with Rebecca.

She also said that she wanted to maintain a close relationship with Paul’s family and friends, especially his Fast and Furious co-stars Vin Diesel, Tyrese Gibson, Jordana Brewster, and Michelle Rodriguez

Rebecca Soteros now

Rebecca Soteros is currently living a low-key life in California with her daughter Meadow.

She is not active on social media and does not give interviews to the press.

She prefers to stay away from the spotlight and focus on her family and career.

Rebecca is still working as a school teacher and also helps Meadow with her charity work

She is also not dating anyone at the moment.

Rebecca Soteros Instagram

Rebecca Soteros does not have an Instagram account or any other social media platform.

She is very private and does not share her personal or professional details online.

She also does not appear in any of Meadow’s Instagram posts, which have over 2.5 million followers

The only time Rebecca was seen on Instagram was when Meadow posted a rare photo of her mom and dad together in 2015.

The photo showed Rebecca and Paul smiling and holding hands, with Meadow in the middle.

Meadow captioned the photo with a heart emoji, showing her love for both of her parents

Rebecca Soteros married

Rebecca Soteros is not married and has never been married.

She was only in a relationship with Paul Walker for a short time in 1998, when they had their daughter Meadow.

They never tied the knot or got engaged, even though Rebecca wanted to marry Paul.

He rejected her proposal because he felt he was too young and irresponsible to be a husband and a father

Rebecca also did not marry anyone else after Paul Walker.

She remained single and focused on raising Meadow and working as a teacher.

She also maintained a friendly relationship with Paul until his death in 2013.

Rebecca Soteros and Paul Walker’s relationship

Rebecca Soteros and Paul Walker had a complicated relationship that lasted for less than a year.

They met in California in 1998, when Paul was still an aspiring actor and Rebecca was a school teacher.

They fell in love and started dating, but their romance was short-lived.

Rebecca got pregnant with their daughter Meadow, which changed everything.

Rebecca wanted to get married to Paul and start a family with him, but he was not ready for that kind of commitment.

He said he was too young and immature to be a husband and a father, and he also wanted to pursue his acting career.

He broke up with Rebecca and moved on with other women, while she moved to Hawaii with Meadow.

They co-parented Meadow from a distance until she decided to live with Paul in California in 2011.

They became closer and more supportive of each other, but they never rekindled their romance.

Rebecca Soteros Wikipedia

Rebecca Soteros does not have a Wikipedia page or any other official biography online.

She is not a famous or public figure, but only known as the ex-girlfriend of the late Paul Walker and the mother of his daughter Meadow Walker.

Most of the information about Rebecca Soteros comes from various sources such as news articles, interviews, social media posts, and court documents.

However, these sources may not be accurate or reliable, as Rebecca herself does not confirm or deny anything about her life.

Rebecca Soteros’s net worth

Rebecca Soteros’ net worth is not known for sure, as she does not disclose her income or assets to the public.

However, some sources estimate that she has a net worth of around $700,000 as of 2023.

This amount comes from her earnings as a school teacher and also from the financial support she received from Paul Walker during his lifetime.

Rebecca also inherited some of Paul Walker’s estate after his death, along with their daughter Meadow.

Paul left behind an estate worth $25 million, which included his earnings from his movies, endorsements, investments, properties, cars, and motorcycles.

Meadow inherited most of Paul’s estate as his sole heir, but Rebecca also got a share of it as his ex-girlfriend and the mother of his child.

She also received some money from the settlement that Meadow won from Roger Rodas’ estate.

Rebecca Soteros Greek

Rebecca Soteros has Greek ancestry from her mother’s side.

Her mother, Julie Ann Soteros, was born in Greece and moved to the United States when she was young.

She married Mark Soteros, who is of American descent, and they had two children: Rebecca and Joshua

Rebecca has visited Greece several times in her life, both with her family and with Paul Walker.

She enjoyed the culture, cuisine, and scenery of the country, and also met some of her relatives there.

She has a fondness for Greek mythology and history and likes to read books and watch movies about them.

Rebecca Soteros McBrain

Rebecca Soteros is also known as Rebecca McBrain, which is a name she used for some time in her life.

The reason behind this name change is not clear, but some sources suggest that it was related to her career or personal issues.

Some people speculate that Rebecca McBrain is a stage name that Rebecca used when she was pursuing a career in the entertainment industry.

She reportedly had some acting and modeling gigs in the past, but none of them were very successful or notable.

She eventually gave up on her dreams of fame and focused on her teaching career instead.

Rebecca Soteros McBrain is not a very common name, and it may have caused some confusion or curiosity among the fans of Paul Walker and Meadow Walker.

However, Rebecca prefers to keep her personal life private and does not use any social media platforms to share anything about herself.


Rebecca Soteros is a woman who has lived a quiet and simple life, despite being associated with one of the most famous and beloved actors in Hollywood.

She is the ex-girlfriend of Paul Walker and the mother of his only child, Meadow Walker.

Rebecca met Paul in 1998 and had a brief relationship with him that resulted in their daughter’s birth.

Paul and his partner never married or reunited, but they stayed friends and co-parents until he died in 2013.

Rebecca is a school teacher who loves her job and her students.

Rebecca also participates in charity work through the Paul Walker Foundation, which Meadow established to honor her father.

She is not interested in fame or fortune, but rather in living a peaceful and meaningful life.

Rebecca Soteros is a woman who deserves respect and admiration for being a loving mother, a loyal friend, a dedicated teacher, and a generous person.

She is a woman who has a story to tell but chooses to keep it to herself.

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