What is difference between development and sustainable development explain with suitable examples sh

April 2024 · 6 minute read
Main difference between development and sustainable development is that development aims at raising the quality of life of only present generation whereas sustainable development aims at raising the quality of life of both present and future generations without threatning natural endowment and environment.

What is the difference between development and sustainable development explain with the suitable example?

Development uses non renewable energy sources like coal, petroleum and other gases for transportation purposes by polluting the environment. Sustainable development – enhances the condition of the present life and elevates the condition of future generation without endangering the natural inheritance.

What are the examples of development and sustainable development?

Give 2 Examples of Sustainable Development.

1. Solar energy: Harnessing the solar energy to reduce pollution in the environment. 2. Crop Rotation : Planting different types of crops on the same land on a rotational basis for improving soil fertility.

What is basic difference between development and sustainable development explain in your own words?

Sustainable development is a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs, whereas green development is a development that focuses on the environment.

What is the difference between sustainability and development?

Sustainability is often thought of as a long-term goal (i.e. a more sustainable world), while sustainable development refers to the many processes and pathways to achieve it (e.g. sustainable agriculture and forestry, sustainable production and consumption, good government, research and technology transfer, education ...

What is sustainable development?

What are some examples of sustainability?

There are several sustainability examples that illustrate business sustainability in the U.S., they include:

What is development and sustainable development?

"Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."

What is difference between sustainable development and development Wikipedia?

UNESCO formulated a distinction between the two concepts as follows: "Sustainability is often thought of as a long-term goal (i.e. a more sustainable world), while sustainable development refers to the many processes and pathways to achieve it."

What is the difference between economic development and sustainable development?

Ordinarily speaking, it is a situation in which economic development does not decrease over time, Sustainable development is the development that is everlasting. Sustainable development is a process in which natural resource base is not allowed to deteriorate.

What is sustainable development class 9?

Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

What is sustainable development explain it by giving sustainable example?

Although sustainable development is defined in multiple ways, the most often cited definition of the term comes from the Bruntland Report titled, “Our Common Future.” According to the report, sustainable development is “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future ...

What is an example of development?

Development is defined as the process of growth or new information or an event. An example of development is the changing of a caterpillar to a butterfly. An example of development is emerging details about a local robbery.

What is the sustainable development Class 8?

Answer: Sustainable development means using resources wisely without damaging the environment and keeping in mind the need of future generations. This can be achieved by making the right balance between using the resources to meet our present needs and conserving them for future.

What is meant by sustainable development give its main features Class 10?

Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Thus; it takes into account both the present and future generations without over exploitation of natural resources and environmental degradation.

What is sustainable development for Class 10 project?

Sustainable Development Projects Class 10 Examples

It is concerned with how the natural environment can stay diversified and productive, as natural resources are derived from it. The state of the air, water, and climate are of particular significance.

What is the relation between development and sustainable development?

According to the United Nations (1987), sustainable development refers to a type of development, stating that it will 'ensure that it meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs'.

What are examples of economic development?

Economic development includes initiatives that improve infrastructure, enhance our education system, better our public safety, improve parks, and foster endless ways to incentivize and attract new businesses and jobs.

What is the relationship between economic development and sustainable environment?

Such development can be described as a development that benefits the economy more than the environment or man. It is "economic development" rather than "environmental development" that benefits from the resources of the environment and harnesses it to serve the economy, which has led to the emergence of many problems.

What are some examples of social sustainability?

Qualify of Life Social Sustainability

For example, affordable housing, physical & mental medical support, education training opportunities, employment opportunities, access to support, and of course safety and security.

What is an example of a company focusing on sustainability in technology Brainly?

Answer: An example of a company focusing on sustainability in technology is creating a program for the responsible disposal of computer hardware.

What is the concept of sustainable development class 11 English?

Answer: Sustainable development has been defined as the development that meets the needs of the present without putting in danger the ability of future generations to meet their needs. In other words, the present generation would not deprive the natural world of the resources the future generations would need.

What is sustainable development class12?

Sustainable development is that process of development which meets the needs of present generation without reducing the ability of future generation to meet their own needs. Main features of sustainable development is as under: (i) Sustained rise in Real per Capita Income and Economic welfare.

What is sustainable development Mcq?

MCQs on Sustainable Development. Sustainable development can be defined as an approach to the economic development of a country without compromising the quality of the environment for future generations.

What is sustainable development Brainly?

Answer: Development that takes place without damaging the natural environment is known as Sustainable development.It is required for the overall conservation of natural resouces.

What is an example of sustainability in geography?

Sustainable practices include planting new seedlings in deforested areas and reducing the number of trees cut down each year. Especially as the human population grows, it is critical that we reduce our depletion of forests, precious metals, and other natural resources.

